Anonymous ID: 7caf2f May 18, 2018, 7:26 a.m. No.1455897   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5983 >>6060

President Trump needs to step in here if the Justice Department does not. There will always be people who will want to harm "We the People", and especially using legal avenues. It builds their street 'credibility' (bragging rights). And sometimes "We the People" need to step in to allow our elected officials time to weigh in on these issues.


Law enforcement to be the first targets?


If anyone has experienced a small burn on their body, now multiply that a few thousand times? Debridement, excruciating pain, and costly drugs to try and alleviate the pain for months on end, which mostly falls short.


Yes, we all see this pathetically veiled attempt to skirt around the gun issue and take away them away, but the right to bear arms is in our constitution. "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed".


In wartime, nuclear bombs are authorized and used by the Military in a specific scenario to protect our nation and our way of life. Where does it say that every household should be allowed to own one?


I see multiple class action lawsuits in the future. He will be penniless, unless funded by nefarious sources. But it will all be too late for the victims, and especially if they are children. Because they look to us to protect them in their formative years.


This Elon Musk, with all his billions, why is he not working to help society, but rather working to incinerate it? Yes, we know, personal wealth, $$$.


And sometimes "We the People" need to rise up as a nation, do the right thing, and say "NO".


75 years ago our youth, 17 and 18 year olds charged into battle, bullets flying all around them, amidst all the blood and gore that war entails, seeing things that will haunt their sleep for the rest of their lives, to protect our nation and help save the world. Fast forward to today, and the California Little Pony Generation with their pink and blue hair will cry with their hurt feelings and demand their safe spaces. But do not be too quick to blame them. What were the supposed leaders of this generation thinking , the moonbeams et al, that allowed this to happen? Yes, we know. Personal wealth. $$$.


Perhaps it is time for "We the People" to rise up and take America back so that our children and our children's children can have the truly happy future that they deserve.


Demand President Trump take, as our duly elected leader, a more direct involvement in these issues if all other avenues fail us, particularly at local and state levels. The local officials elected by "We the People" should be the ones governing, an official in Maine has no idea what problems the people in California face daily. But, unfortunately, in many cases, it all comes down to their stuffing as much money as they can into their pockets before their terms are up.