Anonymous ID: b6a441 May 18, 2018, 6:23 a.m. No.1455454   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5503 >>5551 >>5808

Further digging from >>1455207 (prev. bread)

Moar on dancing boys from CDAN.

>Child abuse and trafficking, big stars involved.

>A weird one. Smells like Kirk Cameron and MKUltra to me.

<If I'm right, is Ray 'Banana Man' Comfort Kirk's handler, and a controlled opposition flypaper op? Focus people on Creationism to distract from rigorous thinking? Ray is very pro-Israel.

>Grooming, male prostitution, corruption in the media.

>Elite schools, cults, trannies, Iran oddness, dead kids.

>More to do with schools.

>Paedowood needs to sink beneath the waves.

There's more on dancing boys, but they don't jump out as notable. If I'm reading between the lines correctly, though, an awful lot of Hollyweird types got their start as, essentially, boy-prostitutes. And per the blind in my first post, the 'dancing boy' thing was deliberately introduced from Afghanistan. Could this be one of the Cabal's thrusts to corrupt every level of society?


After finding him above, I'm going to do some digging on Kirk Cameron. Him and Banana Man always seemed a bit off to me. I don't have long before I need to head off, but I'll try and drop something before I leave.

Anonymous ID: b6a441 May 18, 2018, 7:02 a.m. No.1455704   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5718 >>5824

Following on from >>1455207

Moar from CDAN, on a slightly different tack.

Elon Musk is headed for stormy skies.

As a side-note, I've dreamed of a Mars mission my whole life, but gave up when it became clear Hussein had no plans to replace the shuttles. POTUS and Q have given me hope that we'll see it not only eventually, but soon.