Anonymous ID: d2ac5b May 18, 2018, 6:27 a.m. No.1455473   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5526 >>5559 >>5575 >>5587 >>5651


Depends on who you ask.


Some will start talking about Minerva or Moloch, but these are a bit tangent to a more direct link.


The Lilim are the offspring of Lilith - old Hebrew, Greek, and Sumerian references to them were used for 'creatures of the night' and 'demons' - often associated with owls.


Lilith is important because early Jewish texts list her as the first wife of Adam. Blood lines are important. I have no primary sources, and the most prominent story told comes from the alphabet of been Sira… Which is a satirical work, so careful how much weight is applied.


However, the general pattern is that Lilith saw herself as equal, not subservient to Adam, and she left. Ancient Hebrew talismans inscribed the names of Angels on them to ward off Lilith from newborns, who Lilith was rumored to take during the night.


Though some of us more creative types wonder if the other humans who were mystically present for Cane/Abel to marry (… Did Abel have any kids… I'll have to look into that… Trying to remember if Genesis specifies who Abraham is descended from… Assuming its account to be accurate) - were in fact the offspring of Lilith.


Which places most of us in an interesting position, but probably also explains the disdain for non-jews. Though, frankly, according to what most of what has survived of the story, most of us would find Adam and God to be of questionable morality… Which, perhaps, begs the question of whether the Hebrew god is the creator god as we envision an all-creator… Or if the stories of our beginnings are far more nuanced than we currently think.