Anonymous ID: dd8a50 May 18, 2018, 6:23 a.m. No.1455451   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Did the PACER anons ever figure it out? Podesta/Awans/DWS would be good stuff to search for, they were explaining its a needle in a haystack and they needed a direction


also anon was asking about the drones and where it has popped up before. @Snowden releasing the kill matrix that Obama used via the Guardian

Anonymous ID: dd8a50 May 18, 2018, 6:43 a.m. No.1455578   🗄️.is 🔗kun


They've always wanted to go with ayys'. They needed one final event to 'unite' the globalist world order behind


if aliens exist they've been penetrated by Podesta and crew. If you want to believe in aliens go search Podesta's emails where Tom DeLonge is so happy that Pedosta fed him alien info to sell in his book since he is a hollywood 'star' we are suppose to follow.

-Something happened after ww2

-That thing united the worlds most disgusting criminal organizations, groups that know they can only exist in shadows because 99.9% of the population would murder them if they find out they diddle kids for example

-If aliens crashed they were captured by the cabal post ww2 which was a Rothschild conflict

-those captured aliens were diddled because Podesta and crew can not control themselves

-the cabal had a bright idea to not destroy their power-structure they've created over thousands of years with religion, instead hi-jack the technology

-with the hijacked technology they could amaze the 'sheep' and explain that they will only give us cures to cancer and free energy if we disarm ourselves

-the cabal, having the latest and greatest weaponry can then continue their move to control the world or at the very least whatever country has the latest military tech


>I am ignoring it because pedos and Musk who sold tech to North Korea to ignite ww3 mass extinction event before the ayy disclosure like some Mayan worship. It is bill gates and crew creating viruses and spreading them, not ayys