So irritating that those Jewish bastards got away with 911 and the totally FAKE FUCKING NEWS is MILKING IT UP…oh…those Taliban and Osama bin Laden…so no one had these BALLS to tell the truth about 911 and who did it…no one…boy do we have a whole lot of pussies in the F_I/C_I and intelligence agencies(kek…intelligence(what a fucking joke))…
All I have to say is "If Trump would have been a true President not in name only, I mean one who didn't give a shit what the Dems did or said and just got shit done, kicked ass and told name then hung the fucking traitors then this shit would have never happened…I can't say it any simpler then that…and here we are with our dicks in our hands, and he is on the sidelines telling us shit that we already see that is happening as if we are blind or something, is he trying to scare us or what???…it's getting now pathetic to listen to him tell us the same shit that we can see with our own two eyes, and we don't/didn't (never had) the power that he did and he let it go like sand thru his fingers in the ocean…pitiful../sad…
Death Camps in the USA? You be the judge!
New Death Camps with incinerator to receive Covid patients…