A few years ago I was having dreams of Big Pharma CEO's and Sportsball team owners playing High Stakes Poker or betting on their team to win and the Loser had to make a bad batch of Blood thinners. It could easily be slipped into Boomers meds and they could inconspicuously die off "Saving" Social Security. Company's get bought out and go down all the time, big deal if a Eli Lilly kills off millions only to get bought out by Pfizer. Instead we end up with this Covid Bulshit.
What you don't think Anons here are Menstration Experts?
I didn't know Anton LeVay was executed. Huh? Cool. I wonder if he tried to play it off like a sacrifice, "the old You can't fire me because I quit" Bit.
Aww didn't he know yesterday was == A Proclamation on World Suicide Prevention Day, 2021
September 09, 2021
• Presidential Action==
She doesn't look like the Blob they showed at the beach a couple weeks ago.