The regime's "vaccine mandates" are being used to distract you from the audit canvass results that were just released.
34% of votes in Maricopa county were alleged to be missing
The regime's "vaccine mandates" are being used to distract you from the audit canvass results that were just released.
34% of votes in Maricopa county were alleged to be missing
The fact this post exists is proof the plan is working as intended.
"I can't give my honest opinion on that because if I did I would contradict everything I have said up until now, so I'll say "I don't have a firm answer"…even though I've been giving non-firm answers about everything up to this point…"
Say it's 'social justice' driven health protection.
As long as you care about what happens to you, it's not hopeless.
real hillary
You didn't 'develop' two 'personalities', they are primordial/innate reflections of your ontological being.
They derive from the fact that on the one hand your mind can go into the infinite, it is 'limitless', where the spirit contemplates the vastness of the universe and all its wonders, as well as the concepts of omnipotence, omniscience, immortality, and being eternal, while on the other hand, there is your physical body, finite, corporeal, mortal, and corruptible.
Those two logical categories have been 'personified' since the dawn of humanity.
They have also been PSYCHOLOGICALLY PROJECTED outward into the world, where the unknowing self-alienated subject 'perceives' its own split personality as a divided WORLD.
Karl Marx for example was a sufferer of this self-alienation to such an acute degree that he convinced himself, and millions of others, that the world is divided into two great 'groups', divided against themselves.
In Marx's case he took his own insatiable money grubbing ego (he mooched off his colleague Engels for years), his hatred of not being God, all that greed in himself he 'perceived' in the subset of HUMANITY who…paid fixed income to others in exchange for labor….while the other aspect of his personality, the decrepit disease infested physical body (he suffered from a catarrh that kept him in ill health for the last 15 months of his life. It eventually brought on the bronchitis and pleurisy that killed him in London on 14 March 1883), that part was 'perceived' as the subset of humanity who exchanged their labor for a fixed income.
Ergo the 'great insight' into the 'truth' about capitalism was born, evil greedy capitalists vs. good suffering proletariats.
Do you see?
Karl Marx's entire 'thesis' about capitalism was nothing but an autobiography of his own mental disorder.
And the reason it caught on so much is that it permitted otherwise normal people to fall victim to their own inner dual logical tendencies as well, and gave them an excuse to both excuse their failures and excuse blaming 'the other side' of the dialectic for all their woes.
Today that LOGIC OF DIVISION is still used.
Biden and the entire [D] establishment are trying to set up a dialectic of vaccinated vs. unvaccinated, where the health issues the vaccinated are experiencing is because of the unvaccinated (not China or the big pharma complex profiting off human misery and death).
Do you see it?
Once you see the division logic, you cannot unsee it.