How dare you talk to us about the welfare of our children you pedophile piece of shit!!!!!!!!
“As Soon as OSHA Issues This Rule We Will Sue, We Will Win” – Charlie Kirk Announces TPUSA Will Sue as Soon as OSHA Issues Biden’s Vaccine Mandates(VIDEO)
By Jim Hoft
Published September 10, 2021
Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk joined the War Room on Friday following Joe Biden’s unconstitutional announcement on Thursday forcing American workers in the public and private sector to take the COVID vaccine.
Kirk told Steve Bannon that Turning Point USA will immediately file suit against the Biden Administration as soon as his forced vaccines take effect.
What they say, against the numbers we are seeing, are total opposites. AGAIN, they flip the truth.
Joe Biden Has Zero Political Capital, so Grandpa Stompy Foot Has to Work
By Jennifer Oliver O'Connell | Sep 10, 2021
Yesterday began with the good news that the White House was removing the nomination of David Chipman as director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms.
This is a good thing for Second Amendment rights, and a good thing for the citizens of America. Why?
Because yesterday ended with President Joe Biden going full-metal dictator.
Biden knows this is unconstitutional and unenforceable federally. So he was talked into using the Department of Labor’s OSHA arm to demand nationwide vaccine compliance.
After Biden was anointed by the legacy media as President of the United States, Joe Biden quickly went from “let’s work together” and “unifier in chief” to “you’re in my way and I will burn you down.”
It didn’t take long, and as Political Commentator Lisa Boothe warns, it’s not going to end with vaccine mandates.
moar: https://redstate.com/jenniferoo/2021/09/10/joe-biden-has-zero-political-capital-so-grandpa-stompy-foot-has-to-work-n440971