Trump; drones Solemani
Biden; drones an innocent guy getting water for his family.
Watch the Water
Trump; drones Solemani
Biden; drones an innocent guy getting water for his family.
Watch the Water
>Let's Roll
"Let's Roll" by Noktirnal@ZeroHedge
Oh yeah. Cell phone calls at 30,000 feet in 2001 while traveling in rural PA. Yup. Fortunately shrub bush told me not to believe 'conspiracy theories.'
The day after Bush's 'Let's Roll" speech, we had thousands of full-color 'Let's Roll' logo vinyls to put on every piece of equipment on Langley AFB.
I was AGE, worked dispatch on 9/11/2001. Got a call on radio to pick up a loader at his shop. He hooked up a loaded missile trailer to my bobtail, and hopped in the cab. I asked him if they were live, and where he needed to go. he replied with 'yes' and 'alert squadron'. What we called the 'alert squadron' was a 'tenent' unit(stationed at Langley AFB, but not part of our FW (1FW). It was ND ANG, with a few F16s. (Langley was an F15 base) I dropped him off without incident, went back to my dispatch duties, until I got a call to pick him up a while later.
He had an inspection pin and attached flag (from a missile) in his hand when he got in the truck, and explained the F16 came back with one less missile than he took off with. His First Sergeant and CO were waiting outside for him when we pulled up to his shop. He left the inspection pin and flag in the truck. I still have it.
Flight 93 was shot down by a ND guardsman flying an ANG F-16, launched from Langley AFB, with a FOX3 (AIM-120 AMRAAM, a radar guided, intermediate range, A2A, missile)
>That is one day going to be an important artifact.
>Keep it and file an affadavit as to how you came by it with your brief >(legal counsel).
yeah… i'm gonna give it back to the .gov that never wants the story repeated. /s
nice try
I'd be willing to bet that the pilot and loader are no longer 'with us'