video sauce?
You know why they're "Chem-trailing right and how long they have been doing it?
you're fucking smoking crack.. Research NASA Tera-forming started in the 70's through the 80's Research Fort Dietrich and weather modification and biological warfare 1943 Research David Keith Harvard Geo-engineering speeches he gave in the last twelve years also bill gates is a partner in that effort Research John Brennan making public statement addressing the Cia's acceptance and participation in the on going program on and on and on.. You apparently speak before you research and you apparently leave the thinking to other's
have you seen a fog machine work? First function is to blow a smoking cover.; now you could put anything you wanted that burns/release's at same temp as the Glycol such as Dmt or anything else, so far there has been excessive barium, lithium,aluminum and other heavy metals found in rain water and where rain water collects and dry's so it the dirt samples. So in the early 80s there's actually a Care Bear episode where they stop an evil villain from spraying chem-trails. the same chemical combo can be found in anti-depressants also next time they blanket the sky in that shit check your Phone and internet they will be working Great! Plus we can't see shit above our heads.. it is the perfect fucking shit you gotta give em that a multi function medium that 90% of people scoff at because they do not look up..fucking crazy
I'm the guy bud
Are you saying that it blew a hydraulic line next to a heat source? The APU (Auxiliary Power Unit) is the power unit contained on an aircraft which can provide electrical and pneumatic (air) power. The GPU (Ground Power Unit) is connected by the ground crew when the aircraft arrives at the gate an provides electrical power only. Another version of the GPU is FEP (Fixed Electrical Power).
it is possible and likely that the APU was the source of smoking.. Had to educate my self.. I'm highly aggressive kek.. I have pics of chem-trail ports they won't load..
everybody is doing it! yay!