What are you talking about, anon?
They arent afraid of us. Theyre afraid we are right and they are wrong. They don't say 'misery loves company' for nothing.
I want us to be wrong about the vaccines too - I want for it all to just have been some kind of lesson - because if it isn't im not going to have much of a family left at the end of it all
That wasn't what I meant. I meant theyre afraid. Theyre afraid they made the wrong choice. Theyre afraid that they did what they believed to be the right thing, as advised by the people and institutions they trust and they were wrong - because if THAT turns out to be true, forget just their health being affected - it means EVERYTHING is wrong. It means all of things they've believed and trusted were wrong - and horrifically so. They are afraid of waking up, and they are angry with us because our existence, our conviction, our steadfastness and refusal to back down - if proved right about the vaccines, opens up a massive can of worms - Pandora's Box. Nothing will ever be the same after that. So they really really need for us to be wrong. And the MSM, entertainment industry, doctors - even PASTORS are doing all they can to keep these people asleep
So yeah - they do hate us, just not for the reasons you think. We represent vast and permanent change
Most people hate change
I want to say yes, but I no longer can
Something like that. And im only talking about the every day, good people like us who just wanted to be left alone. They truly do believe that masking, vaccines. social distancing works - becaise the people they trust told them it does. Even if deep down they know none of it makes sense, they fell in line because they follow. they conform. Not everyone is able to sense things and then go digging and digging until their brains are satisfied that they have found the correct answers.
We are anomalies. We just aren't like other people - even smart other people. I can't explain it, but if you've been this way your whole life you know exactly what I mean. I dont know why I am how I am. my parents are not like this. my grandparents weren't. Only one of my three kids is like me, and outside of this board he is literally the only other person I know who is in real life. And that is why from the moment I found 8chan I have spent probably on average of 16 put of most 24-hr cycles here. It feels like home for my brain and no other place ever had before this
It has made for a damn lonely life, even with a family
Youre disparaging the people who belong here, anon. If you share your ideas/knowledge/whatever it is without adding the insults people might not snap back as hard
He asked a question. I posted an answer. Do you have a paranoia problem?
Sorry about your small brain
To a degree, yes. To the degree that we do it? No. Not so much. They live in an illusion, and they have no idea. It is almost like they're in a parallel reality. When that veil is lifted it is going to hurt them to their core. im not looking forward to that because in the case of my own children, their pain is my pain. Of the three, only one is able to see. But that means there will be two of us to help the others. We aren't there yet, and from what I see in my own family it is going to take something big to open their eyes
Right. But when I typed that I was thinking back over years, and about family members long dead - some very intelligent and others maybe not so much and the only one I can think of who might have been able to think through all this mess was my great grandpa. with his 8th grade education - a farmer. But even he trusted that his 'betters' were trustworthy, and he would have believed them - especially his doctor, his pastor, his banker. I dont know how many times he read his Bible cover to cover. but it had to have been many. as he read it every single night before bed. If there was a thing he needed or wanted to learn, he taught himself
But it would never have occurred to him that he should not trust the people he was taught to trust. He was so good that it just didn't occur to him that everyone else might not be. I've never met another person like him. I am very glad he didn't live to see the world in which we live right now. it would have stolen all of his joy
I meant in general. If I want to find out about something I dig until my brain is satisfied. Sometimes it sticks, and sometimes I have to dig some more. Right now I still have more questions than answers
Because I trust myself
And when I'm wrong, my brain won't let go until I either keep digging until I find the correct answer. or admit that I cant
That was oddly specific
Oh good. was going to have to wonder about you otherwise
I've seen that several times. I suck at movie lines
Because I always look on the bright side of life
THAT one i do remember
I love that movie