Anonymous ID: 0fe6d9 Sept. 11, 2021, 6:42 a.m. No.14558333   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8338 >>8388 >>8396

>>14558239 (lb)


Is this ceremony in NYC? If so, Trump not being there is for a good reason. For Trump, that is.


I don't think Trump would join with the other ex-presidents. IIRC, he didn't for the poppy Bush funeral. Would not look good, IMO, to press for a decertified election and still rub elbows with these fuckers in the meantime. Burn the fucking bridges.


Trump would draw attention, and, also in my opinion, Trump has too much class to take any of the spotlight off the real purpose of the event. Not what he does. Melania, either.


You also have the threat of Antifa types mixing it up with Trump supporters, which the MSM would run with as being Trump induced.


So you have the ceremony attended by career politicians who may not even really give a shit about the essential reason for the ceremony, but will use it to profit off in some way. Safe bet. I think. Some things never change.


I still think most Americans see through all of it. It's the level of suck we're at right now. A very bitter pill we're being forced to swallow whole.


What goes around come around. Phoniness of this level won't be forgotten when the tide turns.

Anonymous ID: 0fe6d9 Sept. 11, 2021, 6:52 a.m. No.14558379   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Yeah. You stole an election and walked into a developed plan that you proceeded to fuck up.


Did the same in Afghanistan.


Two strikes. Swung and missed twice on pitches that you knew what they were and where they were going to be. Meatballs straight down fucking Broadway.


You're out after the next one.

Anonymous ID: 0fe6d9 Sept. 11, 2021, 7:07 a.m. No.14558441   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8459



You look at MTG and see a MAGA drawing more attention than than stiffs who have been there for decades. I don't think McCarthy wants 50 or 60 more MTGs.


My experience is that organizations, regardless of the type or level, have people who do things well. No Peter Principle involved because they are occupied and content with doing what they do well. They never have to worry about incompetent leadership because they'll leave and do what they do well somewhere else.


It's the incompetent people, for the most part, who advance to supervisory positions, and because they're incompetent have to resort to power machinations to keep their position.


McCarthy is one of these. What is he, House minority leader, in DC for years? How many regular people even know who he is?