What happened to the bodies in 9/11?
Did they become powder or did they become ground meat?
Anonymous (ID: 1+7Y8UyB) 09/11/21(Sat)04:56:33 No.338629537▶>>338629926
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338625509 (OP)
did they become ground meat?
no human remains were found in the leftovers of the tower.
Did they become powder
just like the rest of the tower, and every single object inside: yes, everything was turned to dust. Dustification from the underground nuke.
Hottest piece of supporting evidence:
imagine the temperatures and pressure needed to turn steel and aluminum into dust. the dust then would be
The 911 answer is: cold. member all those fully covered in dust, but not screaming for burns?
full rundown on what a based russian nuclear secret agent claims really happened on 911:
https://youtu.be/DP2-XWr1WJ4 [Embed]