Sticking to the story and keeping the secrets really makes him a hero.
"When did he find out 9/11 was and inside job, and when is he going to tell the truth?"
Not gonna post on the gov'ts twitter targeting system.
This is what people fail to realize. Public Health can literally murder people, in the name of "Public Safety." They don't have to tell the truth, or take a vote. Just declare a extreme threat to public safety and do as they damn well please. They've been killing poor people all over the world with their maniacal vaccine testing, and we don't hear a peep. Finally, they go full bore in the US, and people who object are declared threats to Public Safety.
They aren't gonna stop. Nothing can stop them.
Once the cabal have the masses subdued.
The deaths of millions of innocent Americans.
He started a Trade war with China, as he was scripted to do, so they could respond with COViD-19, toxic shot formulas, a stolen election, and the crushing of America into CCP controlled Communism.
It's amazing how he keeps up the act. They must have some heavy shit on him.
Dems like Pelosi believe it is their Patriotic duty to do the things they do, to, "Protect the children".
Those killed and injured by the covaxx will get as much justice as the victims of 9/11. Just more killing of innocents. More enslavement. More kayfabe. More promises of soonโฆ
Plus, he and his family get Golden tickets into the NWO.
Boxing is as fixed as the NBA, NFL, MLB, and professional wrestling. Good thing Trump is staying in his wheelhouse of fake and ghey entertainment. Probably couldn't do a UFC match and risk Joe Rogan accidentally saying something truthful at his event.
Q writes the script they all follow. Q keeps the lies all straight.
Idk who you are, or what your motivations are for anything you do. I'm not literally killing anyone, but am dying every day, like every other anon. Perhaps faster than some having been forced to take too many poison jabs already. I don't want to die soon, but have prepared myself for that likely outcome. Why do you think you are being killed by words, but are dismissive of death from jabs?
Plus, the crafted a really fancy religion of bullshit which they taught to the masses to enslave them.
Romanism controls most of the world except China and Africa, and they are working very hard there. 1 system of control, many implementations.
How does that not turn into a form of identity? How would it be kept secure to a single user, with no possibility of ID theft? How would that not then become your passport, medical records, credit score, insurance rating, browsing history, location history, etc?
Slippery slope. Nothing is private or secure when TPTB or "invisible agents" are in charge.
No proof he and his family got toxic vax or saline either way. He's protected.
I get your point. He has to defend the vaxx, because he has tk defend all science and medicine, and the religions they are built on, or else it all crumbles. He gets destroyed if he says one bad word about his Warp Speed achievement. Biden and Pelosi have made it clear that they are planning to do personal harm to anyone who refuses the offer that can't be refused. They are under the gun as well. Audit progress is just as scripted as the "Pandemic Hysteria". The more people tune out the news, the more desperate and dangerous TPTB get. We all know that it's all about the money. Dead people don't ask for backpay or refunds.
Turned a blind eye? Or, orchestrated it?