the guy droned by Biden
charity that was saturating SOY into the tallyban boys
Nutrition & Education International develops and establishessoyvalue chains to eradicate malnutrition in Afghanistan.
A soy value chain is a gift that keeps on giving. That is why, NEI can and will do more than just feed people.
From "Times Investigation: In U.S. Drone Strike, Evidence Suggests No ISIS Bomb U.S. officials said a Reaper drone followed a car for hours and then fired based on evidence it was carrying explosives. But in-depth video analysis and interviews at the site cast doubt on that account" (NYT).
The article looks at evidence about the driver, Zemari Ahmadi. We're told he "had worked since 2006 as an electrical engineer for Nutrition and Education International, a California-based aid group." He was observed picking up 3 passengers on his way to work. He made a stop at a Taliban-controlled police station to get permission, the passengers said, to distribute food. Our military claims they saw him put heavy objects in the trunk, but there's camera footage, and he is, the Times says, filling containers with water from a hose.