Anonymous ID: 179939 May 18, 2018, 8:09 a.m. No.1456238   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6268 >>6280 >>6283 >>6299 >>6306 >>6421



I am worried about an unexpected request from my daughter to help her with a presentation

at her school. I was asked last night by text, ( she lives with her mom ) to come to the library at her school

mid day to let her make a presentation to me instead of her teacher. I am sketched out that

this day is being tagged False Flag Friday, and events are already being reported. I can surmise

that this is quite the perfect set up. The school has already been prepped multiple times with walk

outs, and preprogramming for a FF event. As I contemplate attending, it dawns on me that this Anon

could be a perfect patsy. I really need to help my daughter but I am worried about walking into a trap.

Am I totally paranoid, or do you think it is smart to even contemplate this possiblity, that to me, in my

mind has been proven to be totally possible. Do I go and risk the possiblity of being murdered and

becoming propaganda fuel for this sick fucking war. I am pissed that I am evening having these thoughts

in my mind. I feel like a fucking mark. Any thoughts, what would you do in this situation. How could I

protect myself and my family. Should I contact the school in advance? I am truly just looking for

feedback, I have no where and no one else to ask for help. This is an honest appeal for support.

Thank you in advance for any sage advice given.

Anonymous ID: 179939 May 18, 2018, 8:16 a.m. No.1456309   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Thank you, That helps. I was looking for that logical brain support. Mine is overwhelmed right now. I really appreciate your reply. Thank you again.