Anonymous ID: 249122 May 18, 2018, 8:39 a.m. No.1456532   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6657 >>6755 >>6797

>>1456121 old

>>1456121 old


Question was how can you trust the Bible?


Use your discrenment. I look at Torah/Tanach from Orthodox Jewish sources. Evidence such as the dead sea scrolls show that the Jewish Torah is almost 100% as it was more than 2200 years ago. Its the most accurate thing we have concerning scripture. This is why satan seeks the destruction of the Jewish people, they are the keepers of God's law.


In contrast the original septuagint which means translation of the Torah, or first five books of Moses, was translatef from Hebrew to greek by Jewish scholars/rabbis around 200 bce, but it was lost in the fire that consumed the library of alexandria.


A later septuagint was written after Church was formed. That septuagint is corrupted to support paganized idol worship. Constantine was never fully a "christian." through out his entire life, constantine supported and worshiped a number of false God's besides being a Christian. He was basically multi religious because that supported his power. Things like the trinity were entrenched in doctrine by an actual vote at the counsel of nicia. You would think that something as important as God has three heads would be found in scripture, but this was the problem of reconciling the irreconcilable where scripture clearly lays out monotheism and there is a commandment against idolatry


I look at this as good vs evil, light vs dark. On the one side is monotheistic worship of God, the creator of all, whose annointed Abraham to teach the world God's laws and to end human sacrifice. Those teachings will lead to peace on earth.


The other side is satan worship of various prinicples of satan that rationalize human sacrifice and all manner of horrific evils.


This does not mean I reject the Christian Bible, absolutely not. Jesus's mission on earth was to bring Torah to the world. In that he is hugely sucessful. 2 billion people know God's law. Jesus's teachings transcend the church and will survive long after the church is gone. The ability to know is present but as always the choice is yours.


when Jesus says follow my Father's law, it means follow Torah. So start there. And if you read psalms and proverbs then you will see the wisdom in Jesus's parables. Remember Jesus said ut was his intention not to change one letter on his Fathers Law. So start with the actual source, not corrupted translation.