OVER 9000+ !!!
Sounds paranoid.
It's so far from reality that i'm amazed.
But i guess projection of your own sins onto others is the easiest way for these pathetic vermin.
Your response is only natural.
But you need to keep a level head.
(((they))) play on your fear and anger to make you do stupid things.
And that's how you accidentally hit your wife, or the intruder does.
I'm not saying not to defend yourself but that you shouldn't just act on anger or fear.
To think that i don't feel for parents who lose their children is ludicrous.
But to willingly be fooled by those with an agenda, who might even be behind the attacks in the first place, helps no one and only serves (((their))) cause.
You aren't that bright are you?
Have you read the Q crumbs?
Or are you just concershilling?
It's not first time he said END