Anonymous ID: ec870c May 18, 2018, 8:41 a.m. No.1456554   🗄️.is 🔗kun

(from last bread)



Mandala Effect is BS. You didn't bother to read the article nor to think about it.



Good point, never thought of that.

To be part of their secret Fraternal Order, you have to renounce the Female.

It might not be about worshiping the Female at all? Perhaps its about controlling the sexual urge to be free of the power of the Female?


There are some kabballists who claim every story has to include a murdered female. It has to do with their idea about the structure and creation of the universe. Don' want to slide but there are many citations on this.


Why do you think they hate children? Pedo -sadists not Pedo - philes?


Many are homosexuals and the whole idea of a woman's body is disgusting to them.


That could be another reason they castrate themselves. Isn't "Transgender" for a male to female another form of castration?


The ancient so-called Goddess Worshipers, keepers of her Temple, some sects, castrated themselves, but did they worship her or kill her - like "Psycho" Tony Perkins, and then wear her clothes?


There could be two sides to the story?


And the male serial killers who all kill young women could be another psy-op. Very likely. To turn women against men and make them afraid to go outside or to travel. To make them wary of men?


Last song of "Morrison" who also did a fake death --- "Riders on the Storm"

"If you give this man a ride, sweet Emily will die. Killer on the Road" is likely the same psy-op. DivisionFag. Orchestrated.


Someone should ask Limb-Awe about that.

Anonymous ID: ec870c May 18, 2018, 9:01 a.m. No.1456740   🗄️.is 🔗kun


That's a fucking bunch of baloney


Early colonists were all pacifist, isolationist. hated war.

That's total Propaganda ~"War defines the TRUE American character"

No it doesn't.


That's nutty. Sorry.

Go get checked for PTS syndrome.

I hear the Trump Presidency will be good for Veterans. No more throwing them to the street.

Anonymous ID: ec870c May 18, 2018, 9:15 a.m. No.1456886   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Great Movie. "Capricorn One"

How much work is it to make people put all their work and effort into War? Even "Moon" travel? What good is Moon or Mars travel until things are straightened out on Planet Earth?


That's so obvious.


Therefore they have to Propagandize it constantly. Decades. Why? $$$$ Where's all the money gone?


Glad President Donald Trump is a great peacemaker and a great businessman!