PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD HELP ME /POL/!!! Anonymous (ID: Vlu0pRet) 09/11/21(Sat)17:44:03 No.338708897▶>>338709028 >>338709108 >>338709118 >>338709225 >>338709244 >>338709294 >>338709400 >>338709404 >>338709484 >>338709533 >>338709546 >>338709552 >>338709560 >>338709601 >>338709617 >>338709743 >>338709752 >>338709754 >>338709802 >>338709918 >>338710040 >>338710068 >>338710130 >>338710179 >>338710310 >>338710334 >>338710346 >>338710353 >>338710359 >>338710366 >>338710476 >>338710494 >>338710500 >>338710532 >>338710574 >>338710820 >>338710839 >>338711057 >>338711099 >>338711251 >>338711261 >>338711307 >>338711379 >>338711408 >>338711430 >>338711481 >>338711527 >>338711569 >>338711629 >>338711855 >>338712527 >>338712555 >>338712674 >>338712848 >>338712898 >>338713006 >>338713103 >>338713280 >>338713351 >>338713468 >>338713541 >>338713796 >>338714059 >>338714124 >>338714203 >>338714264 >>338714300 >>338714314 >>338714323 >>338714500 >>338714501 >>338714814 >>338714992 >>338715166
I'm at my girlfriend's parents house for the first time trying to make a good impression. Her family is rich and right wing and very rude. I'm in the downstairs bathroom right now and I clogged the fucking toilet! Everytime I flush the water keeps overflowing and I just used all the towels to clean the water. Apparently it fucked up the upstairs bathroom because her cousin ran down stairs screaming that there's shit coming out of the shower drain. What the fuck is going on guys please help me. I guarantee all her guests are questioning the smell at this point. I'm locked in the bathroom for 20 minutes now sweating and literally crying. I don't know what to do and dinner is in a half hour. I'm so scared guys. Her dad already doesn't like me I think. I'm about to just run out and leave. How can I fix this, there isn't even a plunger!!!