Notice ol’ feet shuffler man who walks in the view first (intimidation), but lets supervising-co-worker lay it all out with perfect form avoiding the crux of the issue.
[they] are Legally not obligated to adhere to Legalities that they find not in keeping with their extrajudicial interpretation of mandated statutory code/Rules dictating Standard Operating Procedures for Emergencies Measures, unwritten… Job… just following…. Orders….
Not kidding.
The Uncivil Revolution comming to America, will be between the genuine anarchists (pedantically disguised as Legality’s Legal Legalizationantors mandated Statutory Code Rules)…
Vs. Constitution-ist, common law, laws of nature… survival of humanity.
… because the One’s telling us to “never forget” (your emotions), yet hiding the information, evidence and proof of who did it… are the ones who did it.