Yeah. grave yard shift is around 3:00 a.m.
Well, since there are anons here from various time zones, I figured 3:00 a.m. is kind of a centralized time.
sister who is a nurse says:
7:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. They call Day Shift
3:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m. They call P.M.s
11:00 p.m. - 7:a.m. They call Night Shift
So I always thought that Night Shift here started at 11:00 p.m. But we have anons from lots of different time zones posting here and anons started posting Night Shift memes early in the evening, (I am in Midwest US)
Then I posted a Night Shift meme at around 3:00 a.m.and I was told by anons that Night Shift was over and that 3:00 a.m. was Grave Yard Shift. I had always thought that Grave Yard Shift was just another name for Night Shift.
Maybe it's just a regional thing what the different shifts are called.
I guess it would be a bad idea for nurses to call one of their shifts "The Grave Yard Shift"
Not sure where that expression came from, but probably not out of the medical field.
I'm guessing the phrase "Graveyard Shift" probably came out of law enforcement
found this:
The Graveyard Shift, or Graveyard Watch, was the name coined for the work shift of the early morning, typically midnight until 8am. The name originated in the USA at the latter end of the 1800s. There's no evidence at all that it had anything directly to do with watching over graveyards, merely that the shifts took place in the middle of the night, when the ambience was quiet and lonely.
The earliest example of the phrase in print that I have found is in the US newspaper The Salt Lake Tribune, June 1897:
The police changed shifts for the month yesterday. This month Sergeant Ware takes the morning relief. Sergeant Matt Rhodes the middle and Sergeant John Burbidge the graveyard shift.
Trump tried to tell us what some of the cures are, but the MSM hurriedly belittled him.
I told my family, if I get covid, DO NOT bring me to a hospital.
A friend of mine was killed by the hospital when his wife brought hem there. They put him on a vent and that was it for him.
>Are you in the habit of going to the hospital for the flu? Because that is what it is.
No. And I still can't figure out why my friend's wife brought him to the hospital.
Does anyone who is brought to the hospital for covid actually recover?
It seems to me like a death sentence.
I was really angry when my friend died. He died in October of 2020. I thought, why the heck haven't the hospitals figured out how to treat this covid stuff? It's like they are deliberately killing people.
His death certificate says he died of pneumonia with covid. But they treated him for covid, not pneumonia.
What a fucked up mess.
This is not going to go well for nurses. They are going to have to find lawyers who are willing to sue the hospitals. Good luck with that.
Hospitals will lose all of their best nurses. I hope I never end up in a hospital with the messed up nursing staff that they will end up with.
>The goal of the medical establishment at this time is to kill.
It sure seems that way.
And schools no longer educate kids, they indoctrinate them.
And MSM no longer informs people, they misinform them.
The nurses should just keep calling in sick. Not actually quit. Just keep calling in sick. Eventually, something will have to give.
They aren't being allowed to work because they haven't been vaxxed. So in the eyes of the hospital they are sick, that is why the nurses should keep calling in sick, because they have not been vaxxed. The hospital is saying that they are sick, they are dangerous to their patients and co-workers.
How can the hospital claim that they are sick and not sick at the same time.
In the military, the drill instructor trains the new recruits.
He doesn't go to war with them, he trains them.
He tells them what to expect and how to deal with it.
Then the soldiers that he trained go and do the fighting.
I don't think it's job abandonment if they call in sick.
It would be job abandonment if they just didn't show up for work without calling in sick.
Trinidad's Dr. Michael McDowell explains how the Covid-19 bioweapon was created as a chimera, he outlines where it was made, and some of the guilty parties who developed it. The doctor then goes on to reveal the Global conspiracy to vaccinate the world's population is intended to cause a mass DIE-OFF on a scale the world has never seen.
This is truly the greatest Crime Against Humanity the world has ever known.