He posted the dough at >>14563095 FAGGOT.
Lets not even talk about Jews not actually even being semetic to begin with.
And here come's the propaganda of China claiming to own America. I wonder what they will pile on top of that.
We'll completely ignore the vikings being here in 980 or the Duhare tribe (Irish) of South Carolina who came to America at somewhere between the 6th century and 8th century.
I point to him making Babyfist a GV as a prime example of Jim fucking up from time to time.
Alright. I never mentioned George News, but he went there first.
Anons I'd like to draw your attention once again to this pinned thread here about how many of the LARPS are all tied together to the same group of people and how they use it to grift people.
MJ12 / B / Ingersoll Lockwood / Sgt. Babyfist team is a Larping Conjob trying to take the board
Linking McAfeeAfterlife, JFK Jr + George news, Ingersoll Lockwood, B, etcโฆ
Remember. If someone is trying to come up with a new LARP in front of you, it is probably Babyfister and his dysfunctional friends. Digging up a tired old LARP? Same people.
ECW/Ethefriend/Ewillhelpyou/Eyethespy/Ethefriendly/RealEyethespy is the same level bullshit.
News spammer 3b0411 is mixing real news with disinfo and self notabling. I would recommend filtering.
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Biggot with two G's for extra gay?