They are never gonna be charged.
Q. How do you remove a dangerous liability?
Retirees who have to choose to get vaxxed to continue to get their earnings might be very unhappy once the gov't goes bankrupt and switches to digital currency.
Gold backed dollar is a pipe dream. The NWO is coming. Planned long ago. Nothing can stop it. Trump is just another controlled face.
Plus, any audit will reveal, we have no gold. It was all sold off or stolen, and the theives have already gotten away with it. You just don't see how fucked Americans are yet. We are going to suffer for all the crimes committed in our name, and we are gonna lead the way into the NWO.
Because they are in the elite class of Americans. They get to opt out of the rules they force on regular Americans. Haven't you realized that you are a slave yet? Those who occupy the seats of power don't care about your life or opinions.
The 25th is how they will remove Biden and install new players to complete the coup and transition to the NWO. Biden will take heat for not implementing vaccines hard enough. New lockdowns, mask mandates and broader vaccine mandates coming to "protect the health of Americans". Do you see it yet?
They already won last Nov 3rd. We're just watching the complete submission of the US play out. We're broke and DC is going to implement whatever their bosses tell them too. They are going to take civilian weapons and put us on a meatless vaccine economy. Welcome to Trump's America First agenda.
Think mirror anon.
Everything you thought was going to happen to (them) will happen to everyday unvaxxed people.
The only way to win is not to play.
Sadly, the game is Life.
If you are reading this, you're already playing, and losing is the only way out.
Military AI has full control of the US gov't.
The will of the people has been decided by the 80% of gov't who want to implement a worker's paradise. They've already tipped their hands, "Comply or die trying."
Being unvaxxed in public will soon be declared a crime against humanity; a threat to public safety that will be neutralized by the military, as their orders dictate.
Did that 88M ever get counseled for her statement about any American not following her orders was her enemy, and that she would shoot them?
It's all part of their dream world. Putting you in a padded room profits them. Psych drugs profit them. Treating you profits them. When you die…no more profit for them. Just barely alive and fighting to stay alive, attending your appointments and taking your pills is perfect for them.