The DC post office
The Dc post office was the second location of the post office while 1st being in PA . The location of the 1st post office is owned by an investment compant called Brookfeild.
The mall still holds at least 1 wall from the original structure.
Brookfeild ( maybe I am saying name wrong as I type from memory) also controls the lease of Kushners 666 5th ave building.
in 2019 DJT made it known he planned ot sell the DC Trump hotel and Nacy freaked the fuck out! She tried to get Congressional approval to have oversight on any sale or buyer. DJT battle for the property was epically comical and quintessential Trump! As of about a week ago he has a potential buyer of "RIGHTS" to the lease. Agian Trump move! Sorry Nancy!
The name of the potential purchaser of the "rights" is not known but wanna guess? Brookfeild or affiliate?
Brookfeild was originally Canadaian but opened in NYC so don't be scared if yousee Canadian influence.
Post office is 1 area a Presdient and Nancy has no control ( Hence their deep desire to get rid of DeJoy)
The inability to remove him ( fire) is why the postal workers were quickly exempt from Biden's vax mandate
The post office (original and secondary) was untouchable because it was the sole source of communication to We The People and how our elected officials passed notice to their running for office. The post office was granted extra power and shelter
They have investigative powers beyond reach of a President as well as all powers beyod reach
These are my last bread links for full story ofsomeof DJT's properties