14564098 lb
>Are you in the habit of going to the hospital for the flu? Because that is what it is.
No. And I still can't figure out why my friend's wife brought him to the hospital.
Does anyone who is brought to the hospital for covid actually recover?
It seems to me like a death sentence.
I was really angry when my friend died. He died in October of 2020. I thought, why the heck haven't the hospitals figured out how to treat this covid stuff? It's like they are deliberately killing people.
His death certificate says he died of pneumonia with covid. But they treated him for covid, not pneumonia.
What a fucked up mess.
COVID death protocols. Use PCR to confirm COVID. Process to COVID ward. Isolate form family and advocates. Treat with Remdesivir. Wait to see if patient reacts to Remdesivir (most do). Sit back and allow patient to deteriorate without any intervention until patient becomes sick enough to place on a ventilator. 97% death rate once on ventilator. Welcome to the COVID death manufacturing protocols.