They lost my business when they got rid of the chicken salad. Everything else is disgusting. If I were not lactose intolerant I would still by the chocolate milk shake.
I was working in my garden when I heard them drive up to my house. Not many cars now due to the ban on fuel. Only the important officials get cars. As they drove up and got of their car, I asked the two officers and little plump black lady what they were here for. I knew exactly why they paid me a visit. Plump black lady tells me she is here to administer the vaccine. I thanked her for trying to save humanity and told her what a great patriot she is but kindly declined her generous offer. She told me that it was not a choice. She has a job to do and she cannot leave without giving me the vaccine or they will have to take me to the camp. So I said as you wish. I sat down to let her give me the jab. As soon as she was done pulling the clear liquid out of the vile into the syringe my wife that was hiding in the woods shot the two officers. I then asked the plump black lady why she stopped? I told her to give me the jab. She was shaking and distraught. I said to her to leave and go tell her friends what just happened. We did not let her take the car. We stripped her naked and took all her electronics and made her walk. As she left down the street I sicked the dogs on her. They were very hungry due to a lack of dog food. It took about an hour for the dogs to pick the carcass clean. The lack of dog food has made the dogs very hungry and savage.
That is when I knew we lost.
How did it go when they came to your house?
Wrong board anon. We all know. It doesn't take a genius to know that humans are about done. Any species that is confused on how to procreate is probably destined to a mass extinction.
Coms telling us he has our children or he is coming to get them.
(you) should go ask that guy /pol/. He's the most opinionated asshole you will ever talk to.