Just gonna make some generatl observations. Been here since Dec. 2017:
ELECTION - stolen, with no visibile means of correction
AUDITS - should be all the proof anyone needed, still no visible means of correction
COVID - proven fake, only retarded normies are still wringing their hands over it
FREEDOMS - being lost at an ever increasing rate with no slowdown in sight, despite the fraud of Covid
FIAT - losing value and all meaning with every passing day
CRYPTO - fools gambit, digital fiat
VACCINES - escalating rollout, just waiting for the system to implode in a cloud of lies….waiting….waiting….
COLLECTIVISM - winning, winning, winning in all of its forms. Patriots saying it won't happen here as they watch australia and wait…wait….waaaaaaaiiiitt…..
THE PLAN - obscure without a looking glass, seems to require much faith in the military, whose credibility gets steadily eroded the farther we move past Jan 6
AGENDA 2030 - looks to be on schedule
THE POLICE STATE - winning, and we insist you like it
TRANSHUMANISM - winning, if you don't like it you're a 'phobe
FREE SPEECH - still losing, still no wide open comms and now 8kun throttled
GATEKEEPERS - everywhere, infiltrated every corner, just take a look at the pinned breads in the Catalog if you disagree
FAITH in YWH GOD - unshaken
END GAME - victory, but not for everyone
TIMING - didn't know a precipice could feel this long