>>14567862 ((LB))
I was referencing when they pulled it in spring of 2020. They knew then that it worked but others did not.
>>14567862 ((LB))
I was referencing when they pulled it in spring of 2020. They knew then that it worked but others did not.
>because they don't know what else to do. They're flailing.
If true, they appear to be finding out in real time that God is greater. Hopefully they will rethink their allegiances.
>What did it for you?
Most hear already knew that Joe Potato is corrupt as fuq and does not have Americans best interest at heart so abandoning Americans overseas was a perfectly normal response for that shitbag and those that support him. Like you.
>Everything else is disgusting.
Funny long lines here daily except Sunday of course. Many disagree with your taste.
>Not seeing them..
Especially true for the medical community. Very few willing to do the right thing and speak out. Instead they complain that they have to do their job and help sick people. Borderline disgusting.
>is this happening?
nwo satanists love trying to rig the game in their favor
they will fail
I take people at their word until I learn they have lied. I still try to give the benefit of doubt after that, but my shields are up from that point on.
I think that is God's will for man. I have been called worse by worse. God wiped pride out of me some time ago.
I think the jury is still deliberating about this :
Justice Amy Coney Barrett argues Supreme Court isn't 'a bunch of partisan hacks'
>That's the stupidest response
Like I have said I have been called worse by worse.
Good luck.