>Last night I got a cheese cake recipe from here and tonight a cheddar biscuit one.
>all while discussing the destruction of the world.
Anon missed green brownies recipes Friday.
>Last night I got a cheese cake recipe from here and tonight a cheddar biscuit one.
>all while discussing the destruction of the world.
Anon missed green brownies recipes Friday.
>A v⍺ccination clinic in Canada offers children free ice cream in exchange for v⍺ccination without the need for parental permission. The police guard the front to prevent the parents from intervening.
That's fucking kidnapping!
Fuck Canada, WTF is wrong with you guys?
You guys admire Australia, anon bets.
>Wonder what the 5 extra "M's" mean?
We'll find out later when we can post memes again, mmmmmkay?