You can buy a fully functional linux machine for between 35 and 75 bucks depending on how much RAM you want on board. Bring your own keyboard and monitor…
You can buy a fully functional linux machine for between 35 and 75 bucks depending on how much RAM you want on board. Bring your own keyboard and monitor…
I'm thinking it's time to call a general strike.
Awww they just like to hang with the cool kids.
I have a neighbor, has started blaming the non vaxxed for her vaxxed father getting sick and hospitalized.
They voted Biden because Trump was rude and mean and self involved (all the NBC talking points)..
I am not kidding when I say until these fools get woken up HARD, we are on the fast-track to CCP tanks rolling down Pennsylvania Avenue.
So CM is like the media server….
It would be interesting if COVID killed adenochrome users preferentially.
That would be Cabal disease Anon.
You must be new round here.
If you are gonna post shit like this, maybe you could add a link to whatever the shit is you are talking about?
Fuck Off Gary