but you being here helps reinforce all of us. I await suicide weekend when faggots like you die.
thank you. Now go play in traffic.
but you can buy that in the store now.
cry more, it makes me hard.
what is a qanons?
what shill was wishing death oh you mean me telling that other faggot to off himself. Nice try at a flip nigger.
don't tell me what to do fag.
what does that even mean? are you an illiterate chink? i mean at least the jews can read, for the most part.
well you have been a retard all your life obviously and can not tell someone who has been here for a while. So have a nice night fag.
it's the magic of this place the only thing missing are the images of said cheddar biscuits and people comparing them to popeyes or kfc.