Anonymous ID: 43b9a8 May 18, 2018, 10:09 a.m. No.1457489   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7498 >>7534 >>7572

Heavy flak this hour from shills/clowns. They know how to intertwine with genuine patriots who voice their panic and frustration over the inaction to prevent these school shootings. I have my reservations about Q's ability to observe these false flags in real-time with POTUS and MI, but we must press on no matter how grim.


Just like with Parkland, we need to go over every facet of this shooting with a fine-tooth comb. What do we know about the district this high school is in? Is it heavily democrat? Is the rep who runs it a known swamp charlatan like Ramen-hair sayanim? What about the LEOs that are in charge; are they as corrupt as that fagola sheriff of Broward and his keystone cops? The situation is still really fluid right now.


I think the only solace we can take is that this shooting happened right in dominantly red Texas, where people are generally conservative enough to smell through crocodile tear gun control claptrap. This could have been a ploy to try and flip the state blue just like the liberal bastion of Austin, but I have confidence that Texans won't let this sway them.

Anonymous ID: 43b9a8 May 18, 2018, 10:21 a.m. No.1457623   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Many of us are braying for mob justice as of late, which I understand. I want to see some eye-for-an-eye action against the savages who keep pulling these FFs off, but we have to ultimately temper our building rage. Recall that if by some horror that HRC would have won in 2016, a military coup would have been inevitable to depose her, but knowing what contingencies the cabal would have had in place, it would have been an ugly last resort.


A lot of time has passed since then and many of the cabal's fail-deadly scenarios have undoubtedly been thwarted already by Q and team. But we must not act ourselves unless it's absolutely necessary. As for this shooting, like I said… this is Texas we're talking about. The good people there are more woke than the cabal thinks, so this won't nearly have as much of an impact as Parkland did.