Anonymous ID: 81940b May 18, 2018, 10:10 a.m. No.1457508   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7551


While I agree, Trump has a term limit, while judges, congressmen, and bureaucrats don't. Oh, the IG is about to release a report that shows the FBI 'likely' broke federal law during the Hillary email investigation. Well, no worries because the cabal created another mass shooting to dominate the MSM headlines. What's more important to liberals, accusations of Obama impropriety that is "water under the bridge" or these recent "shootings" involving kids?


I take exception to this whole mending fences ideology, especially when these menders aren't dropping enough damning info to make Obama loyalists want to see the light.


Why are these "progressives" being coddled?

Meanwhile, us plebs still live under a police surveillance state while the cabal walks free