>>1456686 (prev)
>instead, POTUS is using a woman (Haspel) to take dowh (((them)))
Not convinced of that, but it might be a ploy to let 'em think (((they))) still have a chance.
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>>1456686 (prev)
>instead, POTUS is using a woman (Haspel) to take dowh (((them)))
Not convinced of that, but it might be a ploy to let 'em think (((they))) still have a chance.
< pic related
> Keep perspective, patriot.
>Still weeks from IG report
From the next IG report (prev was McCabe).
This one covers the Clinton e-mail server "investigation."
Others (FISA, CF, U1) still in work.
>This being the case, doesn't it stand to reason that all the dirt and perp walks must be wrapped up prior to this date?
Not necessarily.
Previous IG report was re: McCabe.
Current IG report is re: Clinton e-mail "investigation."
Others (including Mueller) still in work.
>Q's message yesterday with the pictures
What's interesting about that is the indication that the LV shooting details will be disclosed,
yet (((they))) go right back to another HS FF shooting.
Are "these people stupid" & unable to call any other plays in (((their))) playbook?
Or, have enough strings (& $$$) been cut to the point where (((they))) have no other options?
Just like the BDT incident: W&W get (some of) the info ahead of time.
Reaction time, to intervene, needs improvement.
> another Caesar situation on your hands.
Like it or not, we have one.
The last one ( (((FDR))) ) cemented Cabal control for a century.
This one, hopefully, will begin undoing it.
> do it strategically, and without endangering civil rights
I'm patient enough to give this one last try.
But, (((they))) don't seem to troubled about our civil rights.
Marquess of Queensberry rules are for losers …
>they had to make a move to distract
> There is no stopping it now.
> Remain BRAVE.
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