>My parents were vaccinated against small pox and tuberculosis
>By the time I came by the diseases were no longer spreading
Look into Eduard Jenner, that's the base of vaccine theory.
Jenner tried to vaccinate small pox using small pox, and THAT DIDNT' WORK, although according to vaccine theory that should have.
He then vaccinated using cowpox and "somehow" that "did work".
Jenner also produced the very first neurological damaged vaccine victim.
Jenner also tried to infect a horse with his small pox, and that didn't work.
It's all nonsense and fraud. Maybe Jenner was a good person, and simply had stupid ideas and wanted to help people.
Read this book, which documents what Jenner did back then.
Also maybe listen to this 9 hour deposition, Stanley Plotkin (according to the system the mastermind of vaccines of current times).
Your parents were poisoned, you were poisoned, I was poisoned.
Remember Trump being laughed at when he stated that maybe one should look into disinfectants and if they would help when being orally given or injected?
The experts said that it's totally dangerous and deadly, and you should not even think about it.
If you remember, look up Formaldehydeโ :
That's actually a disinfectant, and they INJECT that shit for centuries into little babies.
This means the experts are liars.