read this https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/338607655/#338612782
it says Look up "The Anglo Saxon Mission" and you'll see a video of a man describing the covid situation 10 years early (while also mentioning that the timetable is fluid), and then stating the reason for "china getting a flu" is some kind of cataclysmic event on the horizon, and the Western powers-that-be want to come out ahead of China in the aftermath.
Also remember that Ed Dames and his remote viewing group has been predicting a "killshot" solar even for some time now (look for something happening with a space station/shuttle).
And stuff like pic related popping up regarding the vaccines.
And Alex Jones has made references to some health official telling a freudian slip for people not to look at the sun, misinterpreting it as some kind of anti-health thing, when looking at the sun during a micro-nova would probably blind you and that official could have been briefed about it recently.
It's all adding up in a way thats WEIRDLY consistent. Someone should make an infograph piecing it all together.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0EO2jy6iskQ [Embed]
full video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0EO2jy6iskQ [Embed]