I'm sure this appeared yesterday but I can't remember seeing it.. CodeMonkey pinned it on his telegram account. CM said: How Steve Bannon has positioned himself as the gatekeeper of the GOP. I think the article he linked to (you don't need telegram) is well worth a good look.
Rachel Maddow made an excellent point on her Wednesday night show. While the dems are busy working on doing the work of doing government things to make the American people's life's better Bannon is pushing the disinfo that 03 Nov. election was stolen. Get this Madcow quote: "Bannon's podcast is a disinformation megaphone the likes of which Josef Goebbles could only dream of". Incredible. A single podcast is beating the 24/7 narrative put out by the entire media. They afraid of one man anons. Reminds me of a quote in the Bible: thousands shall flee at the threat of one.