Anonymous ID: d1d4b6 Sept. 13, 2021, 6:45 p.m. No.14574539   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4593 >>4634

Just figured I'd update the taxpayers on the Current Veterans Affairs situation.


Almost immediately upon the inauguration of Joe "Shitshow" Biden in January the VA began backsliding into their former state of human detritus. Now, they've gone full Plaid Ludicrous Speed on denying and limiting benefits based on your Covid Vaccination status. I am 100% Disabled, meaning I am entitled to literally everything offered in the medical side of things.


FUN FACT: The VA Budget is Larger than the DOD Budget…


So now they're making us jump through hoops with an impossible scheduling matrix sending us from clinic to clinic to get tested, when they have no tests that work before we can get simple things done like a dental visit. I called back in March to get an appointment set up. Said they were backlogged from the Pandemic. Ok… Said they had me in the Que and I'd get a call back in a few weeks. Crickets, nada and I was curious to see how long they would take to call back.


I called this morning and the lady said oh yeah I'm scheduled in late October! Like it was in the system already… I asked how long had it been in the system as scheduled because I never was notified of it despite the many methods of notification I have set in the systems. She said oh it's because we have you as recovering from Covid… I asked WTF? Excuse me? I've never had Covid or been diagnosed with it. She then backpedalled and asked if I'd been Vaccinated, and I said that ain't none of your business if it ain't showing in my records she had pulled up. Then she said I'd have to jump through all these hoops with testing, which I might soon have to pay for for any further Medical Care from the VA.


I can tell you right now. If they start this shit… many of us crusty old MOTHERFUCKERS will be coming out of the woodwork. The cool thing about PTSD is it can be disabling in Normal Society, but comes in damn handy during a hypervigilace session of "Wet-work"… Many of us know where all the Nukes, Bunkers, and special assets are located and we wrote the books that none of these weak little pissants don't even read nor follow anymore. We can do this easy or reaaaaaaal easy.