I checked the "Hide images" button, lowering my blood pressure and restoring peace and calm.
It's the only way.
I checked the "Hide images" button, lowering my blood pressure and restoring peace and calm.
It's the only way.
Can't see a damn thing you're sending me. Thank God!
What kind of turd bread is this anyway?
Nothing But Crap?
Bot bake with bot posts and bot replies?
Middle Finger
What have we learned in the last two weeks?
How do we apply that wisdom today, in order to save America and its long lost values?
Back to business as usual?
Yeah…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… thanks, Jim.
I have images turned off and they are staying off, for the rest of social media's unnatural life. Thank you, though. Thanks for caring.
Let's focus on how they cause the so called "mental instability". Which is really just emotions gone haywire, from being tortured and gaslighted for years. That would kind of make anyone emotionally unbalanced. Mental instability is a eugenics term.
>Let's not focus on their proclivity for human trafficking, child sex abuse, kidnapping, torture, harassment, murder, or government subversion/treason
Very much agree with you.
Well, dammit that didn't come out right.
You know what I mean…
We DO need to focus on this…
>their proclivity for human trafficking, child sex abuse, kidnapping, torture, harassment, murder, or government subversion/treason
I knew this would happen. The board was made right for two short weeks. Before I could even heal from the last episode, here we go again with more of the same. Nothing changed. Only briefly pacified. And I can't even think or hold a conversation anymore. This is great though. Winning and stuff. Right?
If gen z is running social media, fuck no they won't.
The orginal post and my comment is concerning pig pharma and sadistic doctors.
And what was this exactly? Can you explain without sending a meme that I can't see?
Delivered what? An image server? Yay.
I disagree. I hate what your "images" have done me.
So are the rape images back now too?