i wonder why apmex removed their daily price charts?
now you can only see changes by month, 3 month etc
i wonder why apmex removed their daily price charts?
now you can only see changes by month, 3 month etc
4 days ago
there is a "stop the count trick" built in to the california election
they start counting after the polls close today
by tomorrow they should know if it was close
"votes by mail" count if postmarked by today
they will wait one week until sept 21 to do the "final count" to allow the mail-in votes to arrive
"wink wink"
that is a new one
from her thoughts and statements
i am going with aoc is a plant
not an inside agent
she is just a plant
like a rutabaga
"can somebody, anybody, please explain to me why i need the jimmy jab?"
you need the jab or you are going to the camps that's why
dr death fauci
"you spell like shit you are probably a high level entity"
or a shill from a non english speaking country
or that cursed B key is stuck again
everyone gets excited about the q in a corner question to q
and then completely ignores the answer