Anonymous ID: 2f4aec Sept. 14, 2021, 9:39 a.m. No.14578849   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8862 >>9131


henry divorced (you):fraud vitiates

Didn't you >hear<?

reaper broke promise:''fr4ud''


"Unit biD[e]"



They've only lasted this long because their deployed raperootkit ebot is still playing the drumbeat that keeps (You) locked in fear. The *chan equivalent of a CNN newsfeed.


4 years of drumming.

banned more than 12 times, site-wide, for flooding us with CP

Has themselves posted proof they embed pictures with themes of anal sex, and this is packaged as a threat to (You)re life through the network of subliminal associations their language was made to fuck with.

''And the biDen of absolute retards protects this monster''


Get it yet?

This place is a hollow shadow of its former self, raped into stupor by insidious clowns pretending to be frens.

Anonymous ID: 2f4aec Sept. 14, 2021, 9:42 a.m. No.14578861   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8903


>POL: >President Trump General

Owned by the clowns, mirrors the entrainment techniques deployed here with "fluff chatter". I'd be surprised by now if that thread (and our board) aren't pure algorithms of control by now.

Anonymous ID: 2f4aec Sept. 14, 2021, 9:43 a.m. No.14578874   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8879


(You) thank this monster?


It's not about bible love, have you wondered why pickle masks like swordy and satans_toilet talked almost exclusively about who god is?

Social engineers telling you who god is…



Why was swordy freaking out after exbot was perma-banned for posting CP in thread #17140?

He's the one posting all those Q drops surrounding the Vatican, "coincidentally" embeded with satan faces and skulls - the same ones exbot was caught posting.

Almost like he's creating his own church…



Question: Would a social engineer waste a meme?

Would they try to subliminally poison what they post?

Watch his style.

"Poison what we want to consume."

= = ==


= = = = =

turns out to be:

(~2 years ago:)

>think of all the young minds i am leaving an impression upon!

>an impression that tells their better senses that [you] are fucking evil as you… are fucking evil!

>can [you] say "KEK"? :D

>Muh faithful Traitors who would sell america's soul to muh church in a NY second!

<[AKA: "Code red MAGA patriots"]

>gosh you have those pretty memes and all I have are Q DROPS AND NEWS STORIES…


Same poster?


''exbot is pastor of "muh church" as they call it.''

The odd language they "speak" is designed to bypass your conscious mind and talk directly to your subconscious.

It's built with the help of other team members in the news flood pictures and elsewhere - a neural network of associations designed to keep your mind locked in fear.

And that church is SELF-PROCLAIMED to be for those who "Sell americas soul in a NY second"

Can it be more clear? These are not your frens, they are insidiously calculated in their deployments.


So he's using those drops, not as a means for review,

not as a means to share insights.

They center around the Church because he embeded their satan face in each one.

He's creating his own church, of satan, here; Now.


See it?

You will~

Anonymous ID: 2f4aec Sept. 14, 2021, 9:45 a.m. No.14578879   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The visceral fear of a sharks open mouth speaks louder than you intellectual understanding, which is why even when you know in your bones they're inept you still don't smack common sense into those wearing them.

This allows for the growth of 'mask culture' and it's own defenses, the agents smiths that enforce the circus that has been installed in your minds, are built into you.

You've been trained to be afraid of speaking against anyone wearing a mask, by a cat-in-a-bane-mask poster, who embedded the threats of shark/lion attacks in thousands of their impressions you consumed.

Even now, with a clear mind, one can recall an image of pig and have an instant effect of tension / fear in the mind.


This is how your tomorrows are programmed.

This is but one pragmatic example of their deplorable assets.

The different masks they force you to remember / accept, each activate a different part of the inner circus they installed.

You are kept locked away in your own mind, unable to project your Will out.

They call it a "quantum tunnel", it means nothing of the sort, but instead shows by descriptive example they have a means to shape your current experiences.


That's what they're after, they need to have the final say, the deepest rootkit, into how you experience the unfolding events.

Because even then, if the Truth of Truths is said, they can program your rejection of it.


That's how insidious these people are, that's how sick this entrainment chamber is.

You can see well by now, with their images disabled, how clearer your thinking has been.

Frightening, isn't it. They had that deep of control, and still do.

Clear your Mind, be careful who you're really praying to.