Anonymous ID: 4d0ee7 Sept. 14, 2021, 10:50 a.m. No.14579314   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>▶ fuck you qbags fuck you qbags 09/14/21 >(Tue) 06:53:10 e68eec (1) >No.14577418[Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

>hi all

>just a regular tard unlike u

>the admin of this site dry fucked your already >barron brains

>trump is a pedo

>that is all - morons

>jesus do i really need 600 characters to call >you all a bunch of larping fucking retards,,

>listen, you all should swallow poison. i don't >care what kind i just hope it causes a long >drawn out death, i am part of the secret >cabal of people who aren't stupid >brainwashed cultist fucking children.

>our secret goal is to be able to go out in >public without masks and rebuild the country. >raise kids. do non stupid fucking larping.

>get HBO and watch the documentary INTO >THE STORM about this shit so the cognitive >dissonance can hopefully kill you.

>everyone who isn't a fucking moron is >laughing at you. eat shit. die die die, fuck you.



>get HBO and watch the documentary INTO THE STORM


This is laughable because had you been here since November 2017. You would know just as every anon that’s followed Q knows.


That half the claims and proposed scenarios the fictional series on HBO attempts to hold as being true is utterly preposterous.


So obvious the directors bias and preconceived beliefs in wat he would discover. That it was 222 EEE ZZZ to lead that horse straight to water.


You sir/ma were just as easily manipulated into being a useful idiot because here you are thinking you know something when all you’ve is spent 6hrs watching a show that has an agenda.

Do you ever think for yourself?

Have you spent any time understanding the 4,000 Qpost and the hundreds of Qproofs?


Ask yourself why during those six episode didn’t the posts that Q made and shared with the world get discussed?


Nor was there discussion on hundreds of times Q validated his claims of proving he/she was who they say they are.


How could it be considered a documentary if the subject matter is completely ignored?


It’s only purpose was attempting to crucify the messenger and vilify the deplorables.


But we didn’t mind the exposure. Cause we know the truth and knew only the weak minded would believe that nonsense.


In turn we also knew it would bring flocks more to this movement. A real grassroots movement.

Once we were slandered as being Russian bot farms because we were doing naturally wat the lefts bot farms attempt to do daily in controlling the narrative and whipping the unsuspecting sheep into a frenzy. Seeking to keep Americans divided.


Now here you are doing there bidding.


Do yourself a favor and educate yourself and allow your own opinions to form before you attempt to insult 1/2 of America and 1/3 earthlings.


All those people have done wat you have not. Done their due diligence in reviewing the open source data anons found and presented after Q highlighted a topic or person.


Anons job was only to find and present the data so everyone with an open mind and seeking truth would have equal opportunity to find and evaluate it.

Before the Silicon Valley oligarchs and their minions scrub it from the net and silence those who dare speak of it.


Allowing them to conclude for themselves wat it is they believe.

Anonymous ID: 4d0ee7 Sept. 14, 2021, 11:16 a.m. No.14579495   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9503


>the only problem is 75% of the vax is saline.. moran


Are you stating that those injected with the exp bio gene therapy

75% of that total have been injected with saline?


That each shot consist of 75% saline?