resembles Ed Asner
Ed recently dies
I remember Ed playing the part of the head of a news agency?
resembles Ed Asner
Ed recently dies
I remember Ed playing the part of the head of a news agency?
Pope Francis
For our life to be great, we need love and heroism. If we look to the crucified Jesus, we find both boundless love and the courage to give one’s life to the utmost, without half-measures. #ApostolicJourney
something has the Pope riled up
tweeting a lot today
Pope Francis
For our life to be great, we need love and heroism. If we look to the crucified Jesus, we find both boundless love and the courage to give one’s life to the utmost, without half-measures. #ApostolicJourney
Pope Francis
Today, being really original and revolutionary means rebelling against the culture of the ephemeral, going beyond shallow instincts and momentary pleasures, and choosing to love with every fibre of your being, for the rest of your life. #ApostolicJourney
Pope Francis
Do not be afraid to go out to encounter the marginalized. You will find that you are going out to meet Jesus. He awaits you wherever there is need, not comfort; wherever service rules, not power. Those are the places where he will be found. #ApostolicJourney
getting rid of your parasites
important to note that dogs treated with heartworm medication that are severly infected with the parasite will die