>Baker is requesting handoff
Thank fuck for that!.
Your bloatables suck even worse than Tranime's and that is saying something.
Notables are meant for posts that are worthy of note, not for shitposting in it's truest form.
>Baker is requesting handoff
Thank fuck for that!.
Your bloatables suck even worse than Tranime's and that is saying something.
Notables are meant for posts that are worthy of note, not for shitposting in it's truest form.
Isn't it funny that the "bakers" who post the shittiest notables are all so arrogant and lacking in humility that they see any criticism as shillery?
Ego is not a dirty word?
>was watching bannon earlier piggy backing on everyone elses work,
We all stand on the shoulders of those that came before us.