Anons, I saw a documentary tonight about tomatoes. Eye opening. Almost every tomato product you buy, unless labeled grown in xx country, is from Chinese tomatoes. Even Heinz and other US companies. They’re not legally required to disclose where the tomato concentrate is from. They import huge cans from China (who add weird shit to it), then repackage it as their own. So what to do? Make your own ketchup. It’s easy, here’s the basics:
Mash up a bunch of tomatoes (preferably your own roma, or someplace local so you know where they came from. Cook them for 30 min to evaporate some of the liquid. Add in sweetener if you want (sugar or honey or molasses) and salt and pepper, apple cider vinegar, a little cinnamon and cloves, onion and garlic. Alternate between cooking (can do in a crock pot with lid slightly ajar), and then blend. Takes about 8 hrs total low cook time and can do most of it at night in a crockpot while you sleep.
Basically it’s mashed, reduced tomatoes with spices. That’s it. Easy, tastes better and you know where it came from.
Fuck Heinz and Warren Buffett who bought it.