>>14583422 (pb)
I deserve that.
>>14583422 (pb)
I deserve that.
No one voted to keep him. These numbers were reversed.
Totals are total bullshit.
Watch CA, shit is about to get real. The people know what is happening. No one voted to keep this fuck. No one.
They are also lazy and mostly non-confrontational. They don't like what is happening any more than you do. They didn't vote or voted to recall. No one voted today to keep Newsom. We have not had an accurate election in CA in a very long time. Watch the turn out be higher than the last governor election or presidential election and reconcile.
Unfortunately it may be too late by then. He will commence punishment of his constituents once this is finalized.
So what do they pay you for shilling on this board? Do you have to get vaxxed because you work for a company with >100 employees?
Beating CA republicans to death? You must be confused, only the really tough and committed ones remain.
You have a towel rape fetish?
Powder blue helmets anon, that is what they wear.
Why are you making racist comments anon? Indians are not diaper heads not are they poos. Racist fuck.
Claymore mine bot is kinda one and done too.
Aww, your a bot. You don't get paid at all. Does your programmer know how much time you spend looking a naked components on Newegg?
Gonna get your Achilles tendon!
No, typical election results out here. Can I interest you in a bullet train to nowhere or a plastic bag ban? How about this crazy bitch?
I don't have a treeline here. But you are not sneaking up easy either.
Yup, but it won't stay fun.
No one cares about your distraction.
Ok, not your distraction but one just the same. Sorry anon.
So how much are you getting per reply post? Can I get a job if mine fires me for novax? Going to need something to float me until the class action suit pays out.