Anonymous ID: 2c037e May 18, 2018, 12:35 p.m. No.1459106   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9137 >>9154

More Pickles….


Downing Street has nominated nine new Conservative peers, including a number of former ministers, to sit in the House of Lords.

Among those put forward for a peerage are former communities secretary Sir Eric Pickles and former trade and industry secretary Peter Lilley.

The move follows a series of government defeats in the Lords, where Theresa May does not have a majority, over Brexit.

The Democratic Unionists will get one new peer while Labour will get three.

The Lib Dems, which have more than 100 peers in the unelected chamber, said it was a "desperate bid" by Theresa May to quell opposition to her Brexit policy….

