Anonymous ID: 90a33f May 18, 2018, 12:18 p.m. No.1458895   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8923 >>8931 >>8935 >>8937



Q is telling us that the Pope is protected by the Jews/Freemasons/Illuminati/Globalist Cabal.


Here is a link explaining the Owl Symbolism:


In 1917, St. Maximillian Kolbe a Polish friar witnessed the Freemasons march through St. Peter's Square chanting "Satan Must Reign in the Vatican. The Pope Will Be His Slave" while carrying a banner that inverted the famous image of St. Michael defeating Satan, to having Satan defeating St. Michael. St. Kolbe went on to fight Freemasonry his entire life and eventually was killed in Auschwitz.


The Masonic plan to infiltrate the Vatican was underway. By the 1950's, the Masons/Communists had recruited over 1,100 homosexuals and Masons/Communists into Catholic seminaries and had them seeded at every level of the Catholic Church. The effects have been devestating to the Catholic Church including the sexual abuse crisis which is directly tied to this infiltration. This is the testimony of Dr. Alice von Hildebrand about this history:


Who is Bella Dodd?


In 1998, Malichi Martin published Windswept House which is a thinly veiled history of the civil war within the Catholic Church between the faithful (white hats) and Masonic/Luciferians (black hats) within the leadership of the Church. His book begins with a spiritual enthronment of Statan in the Vatican that included the ritual sexual abuse of the child.


It is important to realize that the Vatican is not a monolith. There is a war going on. John Paul II was a white hat as is Pope Benedict.


When Pope Benedict was elevated, in his first homily he said, "Pray that I do not flee from the wolves." Who were/are the wolves? The forces that forced him from the chair of St. Peter.


What is the St. Gallen Mafia? Who was Cardinal Martini? What do he and Bergolio have in common? What is the symbol of the Jesuits?


Now we get to Bergolio/Francis. The Freemasons/Occult Globalists finally got their man in the chair. He is considered to be the False Prophet of Revelation by Catholic theologian Dr. Kelly Bowring.


He was elevated for a specific mission:


1) To give the "Global Warming/Cooling/Climate Change" agenda his moral authority to push us into global government.


2) To change the moral teachings of the Church on marriage, and homosexuality, which will create a great schism.


3) To place the wolves into key leadership positions and purge or sideline faithful Church leaders.


4) To promote religious indifferentism and a one world syncrentic religion of all faiths.


5) To promote the Islamic invaision of Europe through immigration.


6) To prepare the way for the rise of the anti-Christ.


Francis is serving the globalists cabal and is protected by them.


The people who Pope John Pau II fought against at the UN are now the cosy partners of Francis.