Choice made ?
Coincidences ?
Does Corsi belong to the Cult ?
Did he go to Haravard ?
the uni bomber went there !!!
Is he part of HUMA ?
Bin laden family gave 50 million
Is he Fake Q ?
Santa FE -Satan Faith
Santa anagram for satan fe spanish for faith
Santa -the christmas tree of Nimrod is the evergreen -> message from HRC ?
Cuba - Renegade -castro opening of Cuba
by Huessein. Also in GF movie.
Message from Renegade ?
JFK a movie
Lincoln A movie
School shooting and explosives trying to put blame on Potus and Patriots. Corsi also pinning the blame on Patriots from the Deep state PAytriots
In the faith Fe of Nimrod Hollywood will
1] make movie
2] start a fund
3] blame Potus
4] Gun Control
5] Start a protest by highschooler
6] Soutwest give a free tickets to Hogg
NP and Jack meetup ?
Sacrifice the day before the Royal Wedding ?
Boheium Grove OWL
Sacrafice to Molech
Nimrod = baal = molech
Owl photo shown yesterday as the Guardian of the Pope